India Book Article Share

Friday, June 08, 2007

Vijay Mallya is not your typical brewer / Owner of Mendocino Brewing Co. is a member of India's Parliament - and more

via SF Chonicle: "'Rajiv Gandhi, the former prime minister of India, once said that only 10 percent of what is allocated for rural development reaches the people, and the other 90 percent is lost to corruption and inefficiency,' Mallya said. 'We are not a poor country. ... We are among the top five industrialized nations in the world. We have huge natural resources. We have a vibrant agricultural economy and among the lowest cost of agricultural production in the world. We have huge food surpluses. In the high-tech fields of information technology and software development, we are world-beaters.

'Why is India still referred to as a poor country? Because the billions allocated to the poor don't get to the poor. It's a big challenge,' he said. 'It's all a question of management and discipline.'"


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