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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Immigrants behind 25 percent of tech startups - Tech News & Reviews -

via "One of the study's biggest surprises was the extent to which Indians led the entrepreneurial pack. Of an estimated 7,300 U.S. tech startups founded by immigrants, 26 percent have Indian founders, CEOs, presidents or head researchers, the study found.

Indian immigrants founded more tech startups from 1995 to 2005 than people from the four next biggest sources — United Kingdom, China, Taiwan and Japan — combined.

'People who come from India are laser-focused on technology,' said Rosen Sharma, who immigrated from India in 1993 and is now president and chief executive officer of Palo Alto-based management software company SolidCore Systems Inc. 'They come here and they learn to tell a story and paint a vision. Once you have those two things, you're off to the races.'"


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