India Book Article Share

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Innovation Blowback: From India Outwards

Asking The Right Questions
All are rethinking the way they manage assets, distribute products, and use technologies to create new services. India's "rapid, incremental innovations," in the words of John Hagel III, a business-strategy consultant and author of a recent book on India and China, The Only Sustainable Edge, can provide lessons to companies everywhere.

What characterizes the best of the Indian outfits? They've learned to question the basic concepts of their industries, an attitude born of collective experience. For decades after achieving independence in 1947, India imposed severe restrictions on the capital private companies could tap, the technologies they could import, and the foreign exchange they could hold. So the best ones learned how to devise ingenious, low-cost solutions to their problems and even reimagine industries such as software services.


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