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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

India's Economy - Why Go With India Over China

India's Economy - Why Go With India Over China
India is totally and completely private-enterprise driven. Entrepreneurship permeates the Indian social fabric to the grass roots. India has the second highest number of entrepreneurs per capita after Thailand, and given its population, it has the highest number of entrepreneurs in the world. (need to confirm this - ties in with bottom-up, laissez-faire culture)

There are over 6,000 companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, and one finds a representation of every imagined economic activity. There is only one thing that drives the Indian entrepreneur and that is 'Profit.' That is more than can be said about China. China has a history of dubious economic objectives and has been known to create gross mal-investments in its quest for global supremacy in a given sector, industry or product.


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