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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The global clash of emotions -

The global clash of emotions - Opinion - International Herald Tribune:
"Thirteen years ago, Samuel Huntington argued that a 'clash of civilizations' was about to dominate world politics. Events since then have proved Huntington's vision more right than wrong. It would be more correct, however, to speak of a 'clash of emotions.' The Western world displays a culture of fear, the Arab and Muslim worlds are trapped in a culture of humiliation, and much of Asia displays a culture of hope."

India and China are re-emerging after 250 years in the economic wilderness. After having lived through colonial exploitation and communist/socialist tyranny - the recent market forces unleashed in these countries are working magic. When you're going up up, doubling and tripling, from 80s levels of GDP $400-750 per capita, really fast it is hard not to be hopeful.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Indian laws at

Bare Act at
Some of these are waaaaaaaaaaay old.
Indian Telegraph Act - 1855. (governs modern telecom!)
The Indian Penal Code - 1860 makes homosexuality and adultery a crime
Indian Contract Act - 1872.
Official Secrets Act - 1923.
Banking Regulation Act - 1949

Explains lot of the corruption in the legal area as well as tortoise like crawl of cases through the system - ever case needs to go up for judicial review since all these old laws need to be interpreted in a modern context. Imagine if the US had laws on the books now that were passed during the pre-1776 British era! (passed in the interest of a predatory government)

India Law Info
has more details.
Library of Congress Legal Guides to India